Reconciliation Action Network

About the Special Interest Group

The Reconciliation Action Network Special Interest Group will address the following:

• Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs): The group will focus on all aspects of RAPs, including the process of drafting, implementing, and scoping these plans within the context of local government.

• Best Practices:
Members will share and discuss best practices for creating effective RAPs that contribute to reconciliation efforts within their local government organizations.

• Learning Opportunity: It will serve as a learning opportunity for those who want to understand the journey of Reconciliation, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience.

• Networking: The group will provide a platform for local government professionals to network, collaborate, and exchange ideas on reconciliation initiatives.

• Support: Members will have the opportunity to seek advice and support from peers who are actively engaged in Reconciliation Action Plans or are in the process of developing them.

• Awareness and Education: The group may also engage in awareness-building and educational activities related to reconciliation, fostering a deeper understanding among its members.

Overall, the group's primary focus is on RAPs within local government contexts, but it also aims to facilitate learning, collaboration, and support for individuals interested in the broader journey of reconciliation.

Online Teams community

This Special Interest Group is supported by an online community. We believe that accessing knowledge from individuals who work in a similar environment is invaluable and should never be underestimated. Our communities are only for people working in Local Government and there are many benefits to participating in them. They are a great way to keep in touch in between meetings, by asking your fellow colleagues questions and sharing resources. You can also see who else is involved and get in touch with them quickly.  Agendas, minutes, presentations and other resources will also be posted on the online community.

Upcoming meetings

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When: August 28, 2024
Where: Doveton
Additional Image
When: November 27, 2024
Where: Doveton

Active in this SIG


Please note that this Special Interest Group is a closed group, open only to employees of a Victorian Council with a LGPro Council Subscription.

To join this SIG email us at [email protected]

Who should attend

Local Government staff that are currently implementing, drafting, scoping a Reconciliation Action Plan - plus anyone that wants to learn about the Reconciliation journey.

Reconciliation Action Plan Lead
Casey City Council
