
About the Special Interest Group

This Special Interest Group has been operating for a number of years under the LGPro model, with limited representation from metropolitan Councils. Following the Procurement Excellence Program delivered through Local Government Victoria, nine Regional Procurement Excellence Networks (RPEN) were created with representation from all 79 Victorian Councils.

To ensure the professional development opportunities, lessons and best practice approaches that are being progressed through each of the RPENs are communicated across the sector, Local Government Victoria has partnered with LGPro to expand the membership and role of the LGPro Procurement Special Interest Group.

The Special Interest Group will act as a forum for Councils to:

  • Share ideas, knowledge and achievements both within and outside the Special Interest Group, for example with other Special Interest Groups and relevant stakeholders
  • Network and exchange ideas between Councils and RPENs
  • Provide input and representation to other levels of government and industry on priority procurement opportunities and challenges
  • Establish sector wide procurement training opportunities

Online Teams community

This Special Interest Group is supported by an online community. We believe that accessing knowledge from individuals who work in a similar environment is invaluable and should never be underestimated. Our communities are only for people working in Local Government and there are many benefits to participating in them. They are a great way to keep in touch in between meetings, by asking your fellow colleagues questions and sharing resources. You can also see who else is involved and get in touch with them quickly.  Agendas, minutes, presentations and other resources will also be posted on the online community.

Register your attendance

To register your attendance online, under Upcoming meetings, click on the title of the upcoming Special Interest Group meeting that you want to attend. Then follow the prompts.

Active in this SIG

  • 155 Current Total


Please note that this Special Interest Group is a closed group, open only to employees of a Victorian Council with a LGPro Council Subscription.

To join this SIG email us at [email protected]

Who Should Attend

Attendance at meetings is by invitation only. A representative from each RPEN is nominated to attend Special Interest Group meetings.

Coordinator Contracts & Purchasing
Port Phillip City Council
