
About the Special Interest Group

Local government in Victoria is responsible for over 186,000 places and objects listed on the Heritage Overlay in the Planing Scheme. The Heritage Special Interest Group provides opportunities to bring matters relating to historic cultural heritage, Aboriginal cultural heritage, natural heritage and for some officers, maritime cultural heritage, to a forum of like-minded and experienced colleagues. The Special Interest Group focuses on advice and best practice, and the complexities of heritage protection, conservation, interpretation and community history engagement.

Statutory and strategic planners are welcome to join the LGPro Heritage Special Interest Group. Meetings are held three times a year online. The Chair is Colleen Lzenby, Coordinator Heritage Strategy and Programs, City of Whittlesea. The group contains new and experience officers in all aspects of heritage. It is appropriate for all Councils - established local government areas, growth councils, regional centres and rural areas. There are opportunities for exploration and advice for specific matters and amendments, notifications about issues of importance, round table discussion on the impacts of new regulations and acts, and a guest speaker at each meeting.

Online Teams community

This Special Interest Group is supported by an online community. We believe that accessing knowledge from individuals who work in a similar environment is invaluable and should never be underestimated. Our communities are only for people working in Local Government and there are many benefits to participating in them. They are a great way to keep in touch in between meetings, by asking your fellow colleagues questions and sharing resources. You can also see who else is involved and get in touch with them quickly.  Agendas, minutes, presentations and other resources will also be posted on the online community.

Register your attendance

To register your attendance online, under Upcoming meetings, click on the title of the upcoming Special Interest Group meeting that you want to attend. Then follow the prompts.

Upcoming meetings


Active in this SIG

  • 95 Current Total


Please note that this Special Interest Group is a closed group, open only to employees of a Victorian Council with a LGPro Council Subscription.

To join this SIG email us at [email protected]

Who should attend

  • People working in Local Government who are responsible for the cultural, natural and maritime heritage.

Heritage Coordinator
Whittlesea City Council


Coordinator Strategic Planning
 Mildura Rural City Council
