Circular Economy

About the Special Interest Group

The vision of the Circular Economy Special Interest Group is to have highly engaged local goverments facilitating the development and delivery of circular economy initiaties and business models at  local level. This Special Interest Group will bring together local government officers responsible for leading and/or contributing to the delivery of circular economy initiatives and strategies within their municipality.

Its primary functions are to:

•    Support and inspire Council officers to develop and deliver best practice circular economy strategies and initiatives
•    Organise presentations from Councils with circular strategies and initiatives in place  
•    Provide networking opportunities for officers developing and delivering circular economy strategies and initiatives
•    Share programs and initiatives which support businesses to take advantage of circular economy opportunities and transition to a circular economy and circular business models (that is, embed or introduce the following to their operations/business models: design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use and at their highest value for as long as possible and regenerate natural systems)
•    Support Council officers to inform relevant internal stakeholders including councillors, executive, management, about the role Councils play in developing a circular economy  
•    Share information and resources on circular economy and local government
•    Identify opportunities for network/group members to utilise existing platforms such as LGPro and Local Government Performance Reporting Framework to raise the profile and legitimise the importance of leading Councils playing a leadership role to develop the circular economy
•    Provide a collective Council voice on the circular economy that can feed into and provide advice on circular economy strategies and plans developed by other organisations or levels of government
•    Seek cross-Council opportunities to accelerate and collaborate on circular economy opportunities.

Online Teams community

This Special Interest Group is supported by an online community. We believe that accessing knowledge from individuals who work in a similar environment is invaluable and should never be underestimated. Our communities are only for people working in Local Government and there are many benefits to participating in them. They are a great way to keep in touch in between meetings, by asking your fellow colleagues questions and sharing resources. You can also see who else is involved and get in touch with them quickly.  Agendas, minutes, presentations and other resources will also be posted on the online community.

Register your attendance

To register your attendance online, under Upcoming meetings, click on the title of the upcoming Special Interest Group meeting that you want to attend. Then follow the prompts.

Upcoming meetings

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Additional Image
When: August 20, 2024
Additional Image
When: October 22, 2024

Active in this SIG

  • 126 Current Total


Please note that this Special Interest Group is a closed group, open only to employees of a Victorian Council with a LGPro Council Subscription.

To join this SIG email us at [email protected]

Who should attend

  • This SIG is forlocal government officers in Victoria from economic development/local economies, procurement, waste and environment sustainabiilty teams, as well as other Council officer as appropriate.

Project Manager - Kerbside Waste Reform Implementation
Merri-bek City Council


Circular Economy Strategic Lead
Boroondara City Council


Circular Economy Programs Officer
Bayside City Council


Senior Circular Economy Officer
Boroondara City Council
