Young Professional Member

This category is best suited to Young Professionals (36 years and under) and who are actively developing their career and expanding their networks. Young Professionals are supported with specifically tailored learning and development either offered at no cost or at a significantly reduced rate. 

$266 GST incl.
$133 GST incl. (Part Time)*

* Part Time: Currently employed part-time (0.6 or less) in Local Government


Learning & Development

  • A $100 discount to one Young Professional event and free access to two Young Professional events
  • Access to specialist professional development and member only offers
  • Free access to advice, forums, communities, Webinar Series (what's coming up - back catalogue) and resources
  • Discounts for all LGPro programs, events and conferences
  • Eligibility to apply for the Sector Secondment, Emerging Leaders, Executive Leadership programs and mentoring roles
  • Exclusive opportunities to raise your profile with a leadership role as a SIG Convenor and on planning committees and award judging panels
  • Complimentary registration to the Induction to Local Government program

Advocacy & Representation

  • Independent and credible voice on issues of importance to members
  • Updates on our advocacy work
  • Contribute to submissions to Government and other stakeholders presenting the officer perspective
  • Eligibility to nominate for election to the LGPro Board where you can help shape the sector
  • Voting rights at the LGPro AGM and for the LGPro Board

Networking & Support

  • Access to theCoaching Bench
  • Access to the Member Online Resource Library
  • Exclusive invitations to Members Only networking events

Awards & Recognition

  • Eligibility to nominate for any LGPro Awards as a team member
  • Raise your profile in the sector through member promotion in our publications, website, and at events and programs
  • A badge for your email signature and LinkedIn account and use of post nominals FLGPro to demonstrate professionalism and support for the sector