Council Subscription

Councils supporting the sector

LGPro Council Subscription is open to all Councils in Victoria. Council Subscribers receive a range of benefits, as well as supporting LGPro to undertake work that benefits the sector as a whole such as:

  • Advocating with a unified voice
  • Representing the professional officer perspective to State and Federal Government and other key stakeholders
  • Offering the Awards for Excellence that celebrate the outstanding initiatives that have been developed and implemented by Local Government
  • Supporting LGPro to develop and deliver sector excellence through services that continue to build the present and future capacity and capability of the sector


We offer the following benefits to Councils who subscribe to our services:

  • Advocacy and representation to State and Federal Government key stakeholders to ensure the Local Government officers’ perspective is heard
  • Opportunity for Council Subscribers to have tailored programs delivered at their Council for their staff
  • Eligibility to all staff to participate in the Special Interest Group Network
  • Eligibility to participate in the Emerging Leaders Program
  • Eligibility to participate in the Executive Leadership Program
  • Eligibility to participate in the Ignite Program
  • Eligibility to participate in the Ignite for Outdoor Workers Program
  • Eligibility to participate in the Mastering Management Program
  • Eligibility to participate in the Mentoring Program
  • Eligibility to participate in the LGPro Sector Secondment Program
  • Eligibility to participate in the Australasian Management Challenge
  • Eligibility to nominate for the Awards for Excellence
  • LGPro Profile magazine (exclusive to Members and Council Subscribers only)
  • Complimentary Professional Memberships for the EA/PA to the CEO and unlimited complimentary Professional Memberships for people who want to be an LGPro SIG Convenor


Council Subscription is available to Councils that are committed to building sector excellence and supporting their staff to reach their full potential.

Council Subscriptions are valid until 30 June each year. Renewals are sent out in early June each year and are due on 1 July.

To enquire about a Council Subscription please contact Michelle Cox on (03) 9268 6403 or email [email protected]

LGPro Council Subscription Terms & Conditions

Michael Tudball
Former CEO
Southern Grampians Shire Council

"LGPro Council Subscriptions provide enormous benefits for all staff and the organisation especially for us, as a large rural Shire we are often time poor and our resources are restricted. Membership is great value for money and opens up opportunities to learn and develop including accessing secondments. Importantly for CEOs and Executive Leadership Team members we can access and provide input into key advocacy priorities to give a larger and more powerful voice and be active participants in influencing key priorities. The ability for our professional staff to personally and professionally develop is a very high priority for me and the team at Southern Grampians.” 


Fees 2024/25

Large Council $ 5414
Medium Council $ 3178
Small Council $ 1691

All fees are GST inclusive.