About the program

This session is presented by an experienced local government specialist and it is tailored for our Corporate Partners to help them to better understand how the sector works and assist them when they work with Councils. We run two of these sessions of the program each year.



Participants feedback

“Great insight into how local councils work. Even after having worked in the LG sector for many years I still gained some new perspectives.” 
Robert Croxford, Croxford Consulting

"My colleague and I attended the Introduction to Local Government session ran by LGPro Victoria. The session was facilitated by Phillip Shanahan, a long serving Council CEO who was exceptionally informative on everything from Australian Government structure to the inner workings of Council management and its layers.

Local Government can be complex and priorities and focus are always unique within each Council. This session was very beneficial in educating my colleague and I in working with those complexities. Our business works very closely with Local Government organisations around Australia and after this session I feel we are better placed to provide value to councils with the service we provide."
- Jarrod Pepper, Snap Send Solve

2023 sessions: 

Wednesday 2 May at the LGPro Annual Conference
9.30am – 12:30pm 
Register Here


Each LGPro Corporate Partner can send one representative to the program FREE. The cost for subsequent people attending is $120 (incl of GST). 

An invoice will be sent to subsequent registrants who have registered online.

Register online below

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Workshop dates for 2024 will be released in late November