2023 Board Election

Fellow, Professional and Young Professional members who are current financial members are eligible to nominate and vote in the 2023 LGPro Board Election. There are 10 positions available within the LGPro Board. The 2023 LGPro Board General Election is being conducted by CorpVote. All eligible voters will receive a link to the Live Ballot Portal from CorpVote on 2 November 2023.


Members will need to be financial and know their member number to participate in the nomination and voting processes.

Timeline of Board Election

21 September 2023 - Nominations open
12 October 2023 at 5pm  - Nominations close
2 November 2023 - Voting opens
17 November 2023 at 5pm - Voting closes
23 November 2023 - LGPro Board announced at the Annual General Meeting

Nomination Process

Fellow, Professional and Young Professional members who are current financial members at COB 21 September 2023 are eligible to nominate and be nominated as a candidate for the 2023 LGPro Board Election. Eligible members will receive a Call for Nominations link from CorpVote on 21 September 2023.

Each nomination must be nominated by two (2) financial Fellow, Professional or Young Professional members.

In the Call for Nominations, each candidate needs to provide first name and last name, a high resolution photo in either jpg or eps formal, a candidate statement up to 250 words and approximately a 2 minute video (mamximum file size 40MB) on why they would be great on the LGPro Board.

Order of candidates will be determined by the Returning Officer (CorpVote) and will be drawn by lot.

Nominations will close on Thursday 12 October 2023 at 5pm AEDT.